JW’s Financial Coaching Podcast-Personal Finance A-Z Diversification, Emergencies, and Faith

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Diversification, emergency fund, and faith are the main topics on the show today. Diversification is not only an important part of a retirement portfolio, but is also an important part in an overall healthy financial plan.  You do not want all your money being put into one form of asset such as cash, your home, or your retirement portfolio. You also want to have a diversified budget. You want to be putting money into things that go up but you also need to spend some money from time to time and enjoy your money by eating out, going on vacation, or making some “want” purchases.

Having an emergency fund is one of the staples in any solid financial plan. The importance of an emergency fund cannot be overstated. You WILL have a financial emergency at some point in your life and most likely will have some kind of unexpected expense occur within the next 12 months. But having an emergency fund will turn those events from a potential financial crisis into simply an inconvenience.

Faith and finances is not something we talk a lot about on this show. But it is something we need to talk about because whatever your faith is, money is spiritual. What is most important to you is what you will most likely spend your money on. The thing you need to ask yourself is, “Is the way I handle my money consistent with my faith?”

In addition, I asked on the Facebook Fan page a question about the “Mega banks.” I want to know your opinion on them and whether or not you still do business with them.

Finally we have a big announcement about a new podcast series I am doing towards the end of the month entitled “Debt Free Living.” Look forward to more details in the coming weeks!

If you enjoyed this episode please leave a review in iTunes.

In addition for those of you in the Central Ohio area, on Tuesday October 11th at 7pm at the Columbus Library-Hilliard branch, we will be having the second course of the Great Recovery on I-70 series. October’s class is all about credit. The class will last approximately 90 minutes and is open to the public. Feel to free to invite your friends and we’d love to meet you in person.

You can subscribe to future Podcasts either through Feedburner or iTunes. Or you may listen to the podcast on the JW’s Financial Coaching Facebook Fan page.

If you have any comments, questions, or ideas for future shows you can send them to me and I will integrate them into a future show. There are two ways to get in touch with me:

1.) Email me at JWFinancialcoaching@gmail.com – Please put “podcast” in the subject line and keep your questions brief so they are readable on air.

2.) Simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Please fill out your name, email, where you are from, the subject line, and your question/comment/suggestion and we will read it on air.

You can find prior editions of the podcast at the podcast archive page

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About Jon White

Giving people hope and seeing them win with their finances is something I have a strong passion for. Because of this passion I started JW’s Financial Coaching in the summer of 2010. Financial coaching has allowed me to combine my passions of finances, teaching, and helping others by helping people get on the right track financially. I'm interested in hearing your story so please do not hesitate to interact with me through social media.
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